IARMA  provides environmental matrix Certified Reference Materials (CRM) characterized for radionuclides using state-of-the-art methodologies following the requirements of ISO guides 30 to 35 and ISO 17025.

IARMA Certified Reference Materials can be ordered here:

IARMA-001   –   Natural and Anthropogenic radionuclides in Soil  –  200 g

IARMA-002   –   Gamma emitting radionuclides in water – Level A  – 250 g

IARMA-003   –   Gamma emitting radionuclides in water – Level B  – 250 g

IARMA-004   –   Gamma emitting radionuclides in water – Level C  –  250 g

IARMA-005   –   Tritium in Dead Water  –  250 g

IARMA-006  – Tritium in Water  –  250 g

IARMA-007 – Tritium in Water  –  250 g

IARMA-008  – Tritium in Water  –  250 g

IARMA-009 –  Tritium in Water  –  250 g

IARMA-010   –   K-40 and Cs-137 in  Hay  –  200 g




