IARMA provides worldwide comprehensive environmental radioactivity services from measurement and assessment to remediation.
Developing and sustaining a safer environment requires that information be collected and interpreted. This consists of a complex set of actions such as sampling, field and laboratory measurements, data evaluation, and dispersal modelling. It is important both that the information collected be appropriate for the needs of the assessment, and that the proper approach is used to reach the conclusion.
Within this context IARMA provides the following services:
Quality assurance services for low level radioactivity measurements:
- Certified Reference Materials characterized for natural and anthropogenic radionuclides;
- Regular Proficiency Testing for environmental radioactivity;
- Development and validation of custom analytical methods;
- ISO 17025 training and accreditation consultancy.
Consultancy services on Environmental Impact Assessments and radioactivity remediation:
- Our professional team provides solutions for the remediation of contaminated land and groundwater;
- IARMA services are aimed at environment agencies, universities, water companies, food industry, mining industry and the oil/gas industry;
- Provision of bespoke training courses.